Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization™

Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization™


Just as speakers amplify music coming out of a stereo, the special instruments used in Sound Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization™ (SASTM) increase what the hands are able to feel.

These instruments provide a more accurate detection and treatment for areas of the body exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. During treatment, scar tissue and fascial restrictions in the body are identified and broken down.

Common treatable diagnoses include:

  • Tennis elbow

  • Golfer's elbow

  • Knee, neck, shoulder, and back pain

  • Shin splints

  • Ankle and knee sprains

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Hamstring pulls

  • IT Band

  • Achilles tendinitis

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

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